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Want to explore some more? Here are a few articles on retirement, money and more that you might like:
Image for The Great Rebuild Seven ways to fix Canada’s housing shortage - RBC Thought Leadership


The Great Rebuild Seven ways to fix Canada’s housing shortage - RBC Thought Leadership

Canada’s housing crisis will reach even more alarming levels if not enough is done now. According to RBC Economics, if affordability remains close to where it is today, many renters won’t be able to afford rent in the future.

Image for Preparing a multi-asset portfolio amid heightened uncertainty


Preparing a multi-asset portfolio amid heightened uncertainty

In this #podcast, RBC GAM's Sarah Riopelle offers her perspective on the state of today’s markets, interest rate policies, and recession. She also provides her thoughts on how she is adjusting her asset mix to reflect these evolving scenarios.

Image for Bucket tool


Bucket tool

The bucket portfolio approach provides a different way of thinking about creating a sustainable retirement income. Use this worksheet to help you with your planning.

Image for Financial Planning: 9 Key Areas of Focus


Financial Planning: 9 Key Areas of Focus

Here are nine financial “to-dos" to help put you on the right track to achieving your financial goals. #RBCHealthcare

Image for ​Economic webcast - April 2023


​Economic webcast - April 2023

In this month's webcast, Chief Economist Eric Lascelles weighs in on the still-turbulent global banking situation, sluggish inflation, recession forecasts, China’s slower-than-expected rebound, and turning economic data. Tune in here:

Image for How to Focus on What Matters Most


How to Focus on What Matters Most

Doomscrolling, emotional investing and other bad habits to avoid — plus some to try. #RBCHealthcare