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Want to explore some more? Here are a few articles on retirement, money and more that you might like:
Image for New Year insights: is it time to get on the bond-wagon?


New Year insights: is it time to get on the bond-wagon?

With the backdrop for bonds now the most attractive it has been in decades, could it be time for investors to hop back on the bond-wagon? RBC GAM's Dagmara Fijalkowski shares her thoughts:

Image for TFSA vs RRSP vs FHSA: Your Top Questions Answered


TFSA vs RRSP vs FHSA: Your Top Questions Answered

While the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and FHSA all offer tax benefits, there are some key differences that can help you choose what’s right for you. #ValueofAdvice

Image for Understand Investment Risk to Know What's Right for You


Understand Investment Risk to Know What's Right for You

What does risk mean when it comes to investing? Learn about risk tolerance, risk capacity, and some key questions to ask. Working with an advisor can also help determine a plan that works for you. #ValueofAdvice

Image for The cost of trying to time the market


The cost of trying to time the market

It may be tempting to move out of markets during periods of volatility. But it’s important for investors to carefully weigh the potential cost of inaction. In this article, RBC GAM’s Sarah Riopelle explains why it’s time in the market, not timing the market, that counts. Read it here:

Image for What To Do When Markets Are Volatile


What To Do When Markets Are Volatile

Market volatility is an inevitable part of investing. Here are five strategies that can help you reduce the impact of these changes – and feel more confident about reaching your long-term goals. #ValueofAdvice

Image for Favouring bonds as policy tightening feeds into economy and inflation trends lower


Favouring bonds as policy tightening feeds into economy and inflation trends lower

As short-term interest rates appear to reach their peak, is a brighter outlook ahead for bond markets? Read RBC GAM's latest market update: