Découverte et apprentissage

There's More to the Sun Belt than the Sunshine State
Ready to live the Sun Belt dream but not ready to pay the Florida prices? You may not have thought about Alabama, but Baldwin County is becoming more and more popular for snowbirds and vacationers alike. Find out why.

A strange and highly uncertain time
Economic data remains murky, with a mix of positive and negative stories. What can investors make of it? In this video update, Chief Economist Eric Lascelles pieces together this puzzling economic picture. Watch here:
Les grandes lignes du budget fédéral 2023 : Mesures fiscales susceptibles de vous concerner
2023 Federal Budget Highlights: Tax measures that may affect you.

5 things to keep in mind when markets are volatile
Knowing that #marketvolatility is part of investing does not make it easy to ride out. Here are 5 tips to help you maintain perspective and remain disciplined on investing for the long term to reach your goals.

Understanding the bond market
Fixed income investing can offer a number of benefits. It can provide a predictable source of income, help to preserve capital and offer attractive diversification benefits. Learn more about the segments of the bond market: