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Asked to be an executor, but unsure of what it entails? Learn why the @wealthy_barber won’t act as an executor for even his closest friends. #TrustRoyalTrust

RBC GAM Podcasts
New Podcast from RBC GAM - David Riley, Chief Investment Strategist at BlueBay Asset Management, provides some on-the-ground insight into the political drama surrounding Brexit.

Does Your Estate Plan Cover Your U.S. Property?
Does Your Estate Plan Cover Your U.S. Property? More from RBC Discover and Learn.

Time is your biggest asset
Over the past few months, investors who stayed the course were likely better off because they benefited from rising markets. Sarah Riopelle, VP & Senior Portfolio Manager at RBC Global Asset Management, reminds us that time is an investor's biggest asset.

Savvy Moves for Your RRSP/RRIF
It’s tax time! Learn about these 5 tax savings strategies that could benefit your retirement.

The Importance of Staying Invested
RBC GAM’s Sarah Riopelle provides her perspective on how to navigate these volatile markets.