Découverte et apprentissage

Balancing Financial Priorities
How do you live for today and plan for emergencies? Using credit or your savings for unexpected expenses can really cost you- how should you balance it all? Talk to an RBC Financial Planner – like me - today about planning for emergencies.

Équilibrer ses priorités financières
Recourir au crédit ou à votre épargne en cas d’imprévu peut être coûteux. Comment assurer l’équilibre entre vos besoins d’aujourd’hui et ceux de demain ? Discutez de l’établissement d’un plan d’urgence avec un planificateur financier RBC.

One-minute market update - Fall 2019
The top things to think about this quarter from RBC GAM’s Global Investment Outlook – in one minute:

Cyber security and privacy: A material concern for investors
In a recent RBC GAM survey, cyber security ranked as the most important #ESG issue for institutional investors. This new insight provides an overview of the financial, legal, and reputational impacts of cyber breaches and how they affect companies and investors.

What is responsible investment?
Responsible investment can be used as an umbrella term, representing three key investment strategies: ESG integration, Social Responsible Investing (SRI) and impact investing. Watch this animated video to learn more:

Students and Startups: Young Entrepreneurs Help Alberta's Economy
Want to launch your own business, but not sure where to begin? 150 Startups is an Alberta-based initiative which aims to help students get their startups off the ground. New story on Discover & Learn.