Découverte et apprentissage
What Do I Actually Own When I Buy a Mutual Fund?
Mutual funds are a popular investment choice, but many investors wonder how they work. #ValueofAdvice
Boosting allocation to bonds as yields surge
How has our forecast for global growth and recession changed over the past quarter? Read the latest market update from RBC GAM:
Should You Run With the Herd? The Bandwagon Effect Explained
Are trendy investments right for you? Find out about the bandwagon effect and how it can skew your decisions.
A strange and highly uncertain time
Economic data remains murky, with a mix of positive and negative stories. What can investors make of it? In this video update, Chief Economist Eric Lascelles pieces together this puzzling economic picture. Watch here:
3 Digital Financial Scams to Look Out for Today
Cyber fraud cost Canadians over $530 million in 2022. Learn how to spot the danger signs and keep your money safe.
Sell in May and Go on Vacay? Not so fast...
Sure, it rhymes, but what does this popular investing adage really mean? Find out if this market-timing strategy would have benefited an investor over the past few years.
Economic webcast - April 2023
In this month's webcast, Chief Economist Eric Lascelles weighs in on the still-turbulent global banking situation, sluggish inflation, recession forecasts, China’s slower-than-expected rebound, and turning economic data. Tune in here:
Les grandes lignes du budget fédéral 2023 : Mesures fiscales susceptibles de vous concerner
2023 Federal Budget Highlights: Tax measures that may affect you.
Qu'est-ce qu'une récession et sommes-nous dans une telle période ?
Vous avez probablement entendu parler d’une récession récemment. Comprenez les récessions, leurs manifestations et leurs répercussions sur les investisseurs.
CELIAPP : Réponses à 9 questions sur le nouveau compte d'épargne libre d'impôt pour l'achat d'une première propriété
Vous cherchez un moyen fiscalement avantageux d’épargner pour l’achat d’une maison ? Le CELIAPP qui devrait entrer en vigueur en avril 2023 peut vous aider.
FHSA: 9 Questions Answered About the New First Home Savings Account
Looking for a tax-efficient way to save toward the purchase of your first home? The First Home Savings Account (FHSA), scheduled to launch April 2023, may benefit you.